You and your prospect agreed to a price and date to begin service. Then, when you sent the forms to sign…nothing.

Did your weeks and months of hard work go down the drain for naught?

What did you do to get your prospect to act?

You did do something to incent them to act, didn’t you?

Maybe you did. If you did, and it didn’t work, or if you didn’t do anything, try these sales closing techniques – they’ll help you:

1. If the Customer Asks for a Concession, Agree to It If They Sign a Purchase Order

If they ask for a concession and you give it to them, they have room to ask for more concessions. Plus, they’ll wonder why it was so easy to get the concession in the first place.

They’ll think you were just inflating your prices.

So, the minute they ask for the concession, give it to them if they sign a purchase order today.

2. Copy Car Salespeople and Use the Puppy Dog Close

This one’s easy – and you don’t have to do any of the work! Most car salespeople let you drive cars ad infinitum until you find the one you like.

If your company allows free demos, then by all means let your customer try one

3. Give’em Something for Free, but Only If They Buy

Can you give a small value add for free? Then do it.

But like technique #1, you have to get your prospect to promise to buy today.

4. For the Analytical Minds…

They like lists and comparisons. So, create a list of benefits and cons of buying your product versus not buying it.

Or, create a list that compares the pros of your product/service and the competing offers.

When the analytical mind can compare and contrast easily, it makes decisions. Just make sure you know your product and service just as well as the competition’s.

5. The Relationship Close

This one’s hard to pick up on. Customers are more likely to buy from you if they like you.

If you sense that motivates their decision, it’s simply a matter of positioning yourself as friendly, knowledgeable, and trustworthy.

6. The Take Away Technique 

This one’s hard to pull off…you have to know exactly when to use it. If you have a bundle of services you want to sell your customer, take 1 or 2 away.

Do this especially if you sense budget is a legitimate or concern, or if your customer objects to their need for a particular service.

It goes something like, “Well, I understand, Mr. Prospect, that this doesn’t work for you. Would you buy today if we removed solution 1 and 2, but kept 3, 4, and 5?”

The customer may respond by wanting the entire solution because they can’t have it. Or, they might agree to your scaled down proposal, or even propose their own.

Then you have to see if the resulting proposal works.

What Are You Reading Here For? Go Close More Sales!

There’s many more techniques available. But those are 6 starters that can help you close more sales today.

Go get ’em!
