Social Media Overload

The Telephone Still Works!

There’s NO WAY social media should be replacing your cold calling campaigns or grass roots marketing efforts, if for nothing else, because we don’t want to lose our ability to engage in face to face conversation.  There are already too many distractions, addictions, and complications with technology as it is nowadays, why are we continuing to look for new ways to cut corners or eliminate the need to pick up the phone (I tell my wife to call her friend, she say’s “nah, I’ll just text her”).  Aren’t there many examples of where doing things the “old way” makes more sense?  When discussing one’s social skills, shouldn’t we be talking about how we interact around other people and not the amount of likes, mentions, retweets or connections we have?

When someone asks you about your “social” skills, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

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