The Other Half of SEO: Improving Website Accessibility

“Good” SEO has two halves.  One half is the obvious one that most people understand as content, consisting of high quality and relevancy.  The other half that usually takes a back seat to the content side is accessibility.  A website that  easily accessible will, as a result, have an easier usability this makes your website more attractive to a wider range of users.  In the end, having a more accessible website will drive more people to your website and ultimately increase revenue.  How do you improve your websites accessibility?

  1. Improve Index Rates – An index is all the data stored by a web program from URL’s all over the web.  This data and information is stored by relevancy and is available for quick retrieval by search engines.  If you own your own business you want all your relevant pages from your site to be included in the index.  Google and other search engines are selective when indexing because it can’t hold all searches, so it is important to improve your chances where you can.  One way is to have good and relevant content because the sites with great content get indexed more quickly.  Another way to improve your index rate is to submit a sitemap.  A sitemap is a document that lists your web pages in a hierarchical order.  Doing this makes indexing your pages easier and quicker for the web crawlers.
  2. Have Simple Navigation – Your URL structure should be simple and user friendly.  Do not try to get fancy and complex with your URL.  The simpler and shorter the URL the easier it is to access and be indexed by web crawlers.  I suggest that you use simple keywords in URL’s.  This way users will not be frustrated when visiting your site
  3. Regulate Site Speed – there are a few things more frustrating to users and searchers then waiting for a page to load.  You do not want searchers frustrated or angry when visiting your site, if they don’t give up before it loads that is.  To make sure your speed is good enough determine if your hosting service is appropriate for fast speeds with little downtime.  Also, flash content and plugins can make your site slow, so be sure to monitor the amount of those.  It is harder for your site to be indexed if it is slower and this will affect their ranking in search engines.

Take these suggestions into account and you will find more traffic being driven to your website, and therefore more consumers being targeted to maximize potential revenue.

Author: Michael Whartnaby

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