New Generation of Marketing

Lead generation and prospecting for new business are common and traditional words found in our dynamic and post modern world of marketing. Business has changed over the past years and the change continues to accelerate. Change consumes an incredible amount of energy and resources – so how do we get on the front edge of innovation and change in our businesses?

Every thought leader, whether they represent a larger organization, like Google, or individuals who have been making significant ripples like Pamela Wilhelms, focus on a few core principles. Principles that embody change by clearly seeing through the haze of traditional business and economics of our systems. Core principles that deliver movements, rather than simple business processes. Movements dripping in opposition to traditional models, but still able to drive growth and sustainable revenue. These thought leaders: believe, understand people and support psychology that drives us. They leverage innovation, by focusing on the strengths from a whole spectrum of individuals. By going to the roots – visionaries are able to place a piece of the puzzle that many businesses find elusive.

Embracing change and following thought leaders like Google, Apple, Brian Solis, Pamela Wilhelms and the others who advocate for progressive innovation and build regenerative systems requires attentiveness. Every detail is considered. Google built their world-class complex to empower employees – the architecture and floor plan of the office supports employee equality and innovation. The common use facilities are all located at the center of the building causing interns and executives to spend time together. Their model gets employees into crossing the lines of traditional business. This crossing of the lines inspires moral, creativity and dynamic change by giving individuals with different and unique skill sets the opportunity to interact together on a level playing field.

Apple has inspired an image that is unparalleled. Their brand is driven by attention to detail in the creativity and inspiration of its leaders. Apple continues stay on the front edge by embodying change – Jobs took a huge risk to ultimately reap the rewards of his vision for Apple. This commitment to change has inspired a generation of branding and marketing professionals.

Pamela Wilhelms has spent years of her life speaking to the top of our countries circles. She has pursued regenerative systems and continues to influence generations by driving after a movement embodying change from the top down.

All of these visionaries see through the haze that clouds our businesses. They choose to pursue a vision of innovation and regenerative growth that will outlast the others. I would love to start a discussion on how we can all become better business professionals. What are your businesses priorities?

-Travis Piepho, Prospectr Marketing

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