How to Never Lose a Sales Lead’s Information Ever Again!

Wow…that had to be the best conversation you’ve ever had with a client!

So you store their information like you always do.

A few weeks later, when you’re ready to follow up, you look all over and can’t find it!

Urgghhh! So frustrating…that could have been the client that made your business much more stable.

Live and learn in this case, I guess.

Now that you know you must have an awesome system for tracking lead information, here are some tips to consider:

1. Use The Good Ol’ Excel Spreadsheet (Sigh)

The only reason you really use a spreadsheet is because you’re very small and it makes no financial sense to invest in a fancier app. You only need the bare basics to get by until you hit the next revenue level.

It takes a lot of manual labor though, so get rid of it as soon as you can.

2. Enter & Act on Your Data Immediately

Don’t wait around for an hour, 2 hours, or maybe the entire afternoon before entering in data about your lead. When you have a high volume of leads coming in, and even when you don’t, it’s easy to forget the information and leave it floating around in your head somewhere.

3. Don’t Track Any Unnecessary Information

Use whatever cliche you want here. “Less is more,” comes to mind as appropriate. The more you have, that’s not necessarily better. Only collect and keep the information you need about each lead.

That way, there’s less to confuse or lose.

4. As Soon as They’re Done, Archive

Did they say “no?” Did you go through your methods for overcoming objections? If it looks like you’re not going to make any headway, then archive the lead ASAP.

Have you ever seen people with PCs that have desktops littered with hundreds of icons they don’t need? What a nightmare it is to dig through all of that so they find what they actually need!

5. Spend Time Every Day Organizing

It’s not easy to stay organized – it takes ongoing work. But if you keep a commitment to doing it every day, you will stay organized.

And guess what?

You’ll work faster and more efficiently when you do.

Best of all, you’ll close more sales because you’ll know who wants what and why, and you never lose track of anyone’s information.

Keeping track of lead information is simple. But committing on a daily basis to the task of keeping it all organized?

That’s hard.

But hopefully this information makes it a little easier.

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