Entries by admin

Private: Voicemails and How to Leave Them – by Liz Donehue

I currently have 16 voicemails in my mailbox, most of which are from my mom who is trying to establish that I received her previous seven voicemails. As I listen to these voicemails, it’s easy to decipher which voicemails I can immediately delete. Yes, mom. Starbucks sounded great. I’m sorry the woman in front of you […]

What’s Your Unique Selling Proposition?

You do have a “unique selling proposition,” don’t you? In one line, it’s what makes you so awesome to work with – why you’re so different than anyone else – that it’s stupid NOT to buy from you. Now unfortunately, many businesses think they have a USP when they really don’t. For example, some companies […]

Are your testimonials doing more harm than good?

Testimonials can amplify your value proposition ten-fold; a person speaking directly about your brand and your product provides a source of assurance and experience to your target market. But is there a right and wrong way to feature testimonials in your creative and your website? The best testimonials come from clients and customers who experienced […]

Are your Marketing Messages/Campaigns Hitting the Target??

Have you ever been asked if you need Baseball equipment… before being asked if you even play the game? I was at a restaurant recently when the waiter asked if I would be interested in a chocolate fudge brownie with ice cream. Now we’re talking, right? Well…although this sounds delectable, my intolerance to lactose would […]

How Qualified is Your Sales Lead?

How many times have you talked to a lead, had all the signs look good, and then you ask for the sale, and the lead’s jaw drops? It happens. And congratulations, you just wasted hours dancing with the client and writing a fancy proposal! What went on? Many things could be happening, but one stands […]

Presentation Matters

The scene is set. The newlyweds are celebrating their first Valentines day and he is out to impress.  A romantic dinner complete with roses, wine and candlelight. Some may argue that a surf n’ turf dinner like the one above could be presented in a sloppy, unprofessional way and still satisfy. Well fellas, presentation matters. Trust me, […]

How to Never Lose a Sales Lead’s Information Ever Again!

Wow…that had to be the best conversation you’ve ever had with a client! So you store their information like you always do. A few weeks later, when you’re ready to follow up, you look all over and can’t find it! Urgghhh! So frustrating…that could have been the client that made your business much more stable. […]

Do This to Leave Voicemails that Get More Callbacks

“Hey John. This is Steve. Just checking in to see the status of your thoughts on our proposal.” Nice job – you followed through! That shows great commitment and reliability, doesn’t it? It does, but here’s the problem with leaving a voicemail that way: To your customers, it sounds like you have more interest in […]