Customer Service – ALWAYS ADD VALUE

Our attitude should be one in which we have not arrived, but always need to be adding value to our clients. As a customer service rep, or salesperson you should never consider yourself done with any client because of past success.  I have had plenty of calls where I left feeling as though I blew it, but whenever I put my mind to it: communicating the value, or clearly outlining action steps has not left me disappointed. I leave my weekly client calls feeling 100x better when I prepare and know that there is never an excuse for ceasing to add value to any client.

There are several factors that go into a successful weekly client call. The objective is to make the most out of the 30 minutes you have. You need to remember to talk strategy, discuss opportunities passed, active pipeline, how the list sources are and what the audience is saying. You need to deliver on “take aways” and action items from the previous week and always be punctual with dead lines. You need to provide your client with something new about their target market every week and have a plan of growth for the next. Whether it’s an adjustment in the pitch from the Sales team or a new Case Study to push out from Marketing, change is good in this business.

I love it when my clients work with me to develop a great campaign! It always takes mutual agreement, autonomy and trust to really reach bottom line goals. There is always more to learn from each client and always more to take away and deliver during our next ‘check-in’. I believe that driving traffic, converting leads, and closing business is fundamentally driven by the individual who will not give up. This individual never stops adding value: their passion and mental resources all align to creatively and effectively implement successful projects. They do not think, “I have arrived I can stop now” instead the successful thought is always what else can I deliver and how can I learn to customize this solution for better results? I get excited sharing vision with my clients and really listening to their pain points. The best part is solving the business problem using whatever solution, or value added service we create. It is a great mystery and a rewarding puzzle to solve! This value added cycle starts with preparation and the will to always deliver better results for each and every client.

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