Measure Your Content Marketing Success

Many businesses and companies measure their content based on responses from blogs, articles, and different signups, when they should be measuring their content marketing based on a broader perspective with deeper questions.  Yes, you can obviously see how successful you have been through the number of leads you have generated and their quality, as well as sharing, referrals, and views.  However, these don’t answer the deeper questions that will help your business in the long run.  I have listed some questions that marketers should be asking themselves and each other when it comes to their content marketing campaigns and their success.

  • Is your content marketing consistent? – Businesses should be aware of how often they share new content with existing customers and prospects.  Being consistent with this is important because you don’t want customers waiting to hear from you.  Their relationships are important and you want to keep that trust between you and your customers.
  • Is your content marketing relevant? – You should make sure the information you are sending out is the right information.  It would be pretty disappointing if you missed what the consumers want to hear and see.  Pay attention to what the consumers are saying and you should be fine.
  • Is your content efficient? – The efficiency of your content has to do with choosing the right topics, processing them, and then producing them on a timely basis.  Can this process and the responsibilities be improved for you and your business?
  • Does your content support your goals? – Your company’s content should support both the short-term and long-term goals.  Have a purpose and an end vision in mind when creating content.  I mean, what’s the point of creating content with nothing in mind for the future?
  • Is your content marketing challenging for your business? – It is very important to use your creative mind and think of new ways to improve content.  Coming up with content should never be easy, boring, or routine.  If this is the case, then it is probably not very exciting or engaging for the customers.

Author: Michael Whartnaby, Prospectr Marketing

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