Marketing Automation Benefits

Marketing Automation Benefits

Marketing Automation is the process of delivering engaging, relevant, timely and valuable content that will be of interest to your specific target market. Marketing Automation’s purpose is to improve Sales Lead Generation by driving awareness and interest in your company’s products and services. Marketing Automation solutions integrated with a structured sales process deliver the following benefits:

  • Predictable Revenue Growth
  • Reduced Customer Acquisition Costs
  • Increasing Productivity of Sales & Marketing Staff

Marketing Automation Challenges

Successful business leaders balance the promise of return on investments in marketing technology with reasonable concerns such as:

  • What is the Return on Investment for this type of solution?
  • How will we know the technology is delivering value?
  • Do we have the available skilled resources to effectively deliver the expected results?
  • How much IT effort is required to implement Marketing Automation?
  • What is the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Marketing Automation?

Marketing Automation Solutions

Marketing Automation solutions deliver comprehensive email marketing campaigns tightly integrated with a structured sales process minimizing risk and delivering the following benefits:

  • Performance Based Pricing ensuring a Return on Investment
  • Turnkey solutions including IT and Marketing Resources
  • Integration of Marketing Automation with outbound Sales Lead Generation creating a Closed Loop Sales Process

Marketing automation is a critical success factor supporting the complex sales process. Research shows that 80-92% of senior business executives research business problems online and prefer to obtain information about your products and solutions through content such as white papers, blogs, articles, and educational materials.

Contact us to discuss the value of implementing Performance Based Sales and Marketing solutions.

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