As an entrepreneur I appreciate statements like this: Start-ups what do we want? Answer: Trust.

Prospectr Marketing was founded by my dad and I. He is also my business partner. We founded this company for many of the same reasons that American’s dream of having their own business. We believed that we could do something better than the rest and that we have a unique offering. We have proven that unique offering and we are successful, have been for a few years now. Though, what really gave us this spark of inspiration was greater than just what we found in using our proprietary system, but because we believe that the freedom of starting a company really adds to community, to family and to our nation. We believe in greater principles and we are extremely ambitious because of our principles and ideals. These principles are largely founded in our core values of trust and integrity.

What small businesses want and need is trust. Without trust nothing runs, nothing succeeds and nobody is empowered. Trust drives growth. It  drives empowerment and it can change the landscape of our economy. I believe that steps can be taken to achieve trust from prospective clients and employees. I follow these steps:  frequency of message, sincere and thoughtful follow up etc… However, the real foundation for trust starts early on. It is the vision and mission the company uses as a foundation that drives follow through. This follow through is what really builds and can change industries.

So what do small businesses really want? They want to see others believe in them. How to do this? Find a reason greater than money that drives you. Use this reason to create a foundation of greatness that will always exceed your customers expectations. Follow through with your new business. If you cannot follow through then do not start it in the first place. Entrepreneurs want and need trust.