Revenue Performance Management and Understanding Buyers

By |2017-11-02T13:31:45-05:00October 14th, 2012|General Insights, management, Marketing, Sales|

Revenue Performance Management is rooted first and foremost in clearly understanding buyers' interests, motivations and goals from the earliest stages of awareness through to purchase, account growth, and advocacy of our solutions. Buyers are motivated, or triggered by internal events at their company, guided by conversations with their peers and influenced by chance discovery of [...]

Online Body Language – Increase Revenue and Shorten Sales Cycles

By |2016-12-08T15:23:10-06:00October 8th, 2012|General Insights, Marketing, Sales|

Many early-stage sales engagements happen almost exclusively online today sales and marketing executives who understand and plan for this will increase revenue. Buyers do not need a sales rep until they are further along in the discovery phase. These buyers are researching online, receiving and forwarding emails. These online behaviors can give us important clues [...]

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