Outbound Marketing Tips for 2013

By |2017-02-09T11:33:58-06:00December 26th, 2012|General Insights|

Marketing Tips for 2013: kicking off a new outbound teleprospecting campaign requires careful preparation and a proactive, yet adaptable, outlook.  Below are some of the intangibles and physical assets you should be mindful of within the first two weeks of a new campaign: Week 1: Secure a targeted list: Whether you build this internally, or [...]

What Doesn't Work When It Comes To Lead Management

By |2012-09-24T23:54:05-05:00September 24th, 2012|General Insights, Marketing, Sales|

Lead management really comes down to the basics. In this post we outline how to approach common problems in bridging the gap between your sales and marketing departments. Symptoms of a Lead Quality Problem: Leads are delivered to sales with little, if any, specific lead-by-lead feedback. Marketing's objective defaults to quantity and CPL because there [...]

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