The Sales are All About the Stories

There are a number of factors that set top sales people apart from the rest, but the most frequent is that they are great storytellers. A great story captivates and connects with people. A great story from a top sales person has points that are not pitched, but are shared through relevant anecdotes and relatable accounts; therefore, the sales are all about the stories you can tell.

The most effective and experienced sales people most likely have a stash of these stories tucked away to pull out at different times during a conversation with a customer. It is completely natural for them. Their conversation is effective because they know what story to tell and how to tell it.

What would it look like with a whole sales team who have their own stash of stories with skills to share them? To start this up, you need to create a system for capturing these stories and publishing them into a format that is easy for each team member on your sales team to re-tell them.

Here are some different formats that were used in a B2B environment:

“One of our customers,

Four Necessities for a Content Marketing Campaign

Content Marketing centers around: valuable data, a conversational tone, an engaging story, and maybe some compelling design are all components that make up great content. Each one of these elements is central for grabbing people’s attention and keeping it.

But what if this attention-grabber needs to be long lasting, such as in a content marketing campaign? Flare and substance are just the tip of the iceberg; in this case, finding a cohesive strategy will bring you that enduring success you need.

Content Marketing Image

Here are four necessities for a content marketing campaign:

1) An editor is the first essential item on the list. One will supply both ideas and communication skills, while also developing and forming the material your colleagues provide them with. Editors move the project forward and leave the marketing talk to a minimum.
2) Buyer personas can sound like an obvious component but are often missed in content. Whether you are developing an eBook, an app, a video, or a blog, you should know who makes up you audience. These can be tailored as your buyers advance into the buying cycle.
3) Guidelines are another asset to developing longevity for your content. You don’t want to “reinvent the wheel” every time you write a new blog post or handbook. A set of guidelines for your content will save you time and frustration. Knowing what points to hit and tone to take will keep your content in line and clarify a path for your contributors.
4) Last of all, diversifying your content will spread the news, maybe through a press release or an email campaign.

Try it all!

The creation of a sizeable piece of content is your chance to construct a set of various smaller pieces of content that may attract leads. Maybe instead of a press release you could use this content for a series of blog posts over the span of a month, or contribute articles for industry publications, or create email templates for the staff, etc.

Chelsea Jensen, Prospectr Marketing

Direct Marketing Companies: Why They Fail?

Although direct marketing can be a smart move if carried out intelligently, there are a couple of things that do frequently go wrong with the strategy of the direct marketing companies. Such strategic errors can spell doom for the direct marketing companies and result in failure.

To start off with direct marketing, you need to identify the prospects first. Prospects are the people whom you can analyze further and drill down to find your customers. In case you miscalculate and your prospects are not the ones who are most likely to buy the concerned product, you will end up with no results.

When reaching out to your customers, you need to establish a very personal relationship. The messaging in  email sent to a prospect and the one sent to a customer is very different. If you treat your customer also as a prospect, you might diminish your brand image in the customer’s mind.

An email or flyer sent to the customer should relate to them. It should have engaging content. If you just send across generic content to your customers, the mail or catalog will end up in the trash.

Direct marketing companies need to have plan to send out direct contact mails, or mailers. It is important to send out marketing communications at the right time when there are new offers, change in prices, additional products etc. The companies sending mail out of phase can cause major mishaps.

Another mistake is focusing more on the designs and patterns than on the content. Other various mistakes include: not following up well with leads, not integrating direct marketing activities with other marketing techniques, etc.

Purba Mazumdar, Prospectr Marketing

Understanding the Many Uses of Web Analytics

Without web analytics, marketers would be blind to how their websites and content are daily performing. These numbers help us assess our business in where we need to add or take away. This is a sampling of the analytics we have today and where improvements can be made.

Page Depth
Page depth can tell you the number of visitors that access your website and the trends happening within the market place. It does not tell you which visitors are viewing your high value content, pricing page, or product feature comparisons.
By starting to look exactly at what type of people are visiting your pages, then you will be able to treat these contacts in different ways. Finding out who is the IT guy or who is cost conscious, will help you effectively communicate the information you give each one your prospects.

Repeat Visitors
Google analytics is an easy way to discover how much traffic is coming from repeated visitors. This information is helpful for you general data, but when you are selling complex services you need to go further.
Being conscious of who these visitors are will let marketers know just how serious each buyer is and exactly where they are in the buying process. With this information you can form a tailored landing page with content that nudges the buyer along.

Referral Sources
Web analytics also tell you the percentage of people that are from LinkedIn or Facebook. Marketers need this knowledge to create specific channels that have modified messaging for certain buyers.
Delivering content that is specialized to visitors from different sources will add a personal touch to your message and a distinct relevance to the visitor.

The data that web analytics offer is helpful, but it is also simple. A marketer should dig deeper into who is who, what are they looking at, and how many times they are looking at it. Using tools like marketing automation and social monitoring can help you in this process. This will help you go beyond the numbers that are offered to you, so in turn you can improve your business.

~ Chelsea Jensen, Prospectr Marketing

Benefits of Hiring a Lead Generation Company

When your company is faced with the question of whether to take up lead generation internally or outsource it to a lead generation company, you need to weigh the pros and cons of both the approaches. It is mostly about saving time and money, and which approach saves cost or makes more profit for you in the end. But with growing volumes and size, hiring a lead generation company seems like a better bet.

To grow your company, the main thing you need to invest in is to acquire new customers and expand horizontally. As you start to expand, you need more and more people to handle the sales volumes. As you start growing you need someone to pre-screen your leads and find potential customers. Then you have a sales specialist, who can make the actual sale. This increases the number of people required to do one job. The whole activity of hiring and paying so many employees takes some more people, and in total, increases the costs for the company.

On the other hand, if you outsource the pre-screening of leads to a lead generation company, you can pay a fixed price for their services and do with much lesser number of people in the company. Also, you can use the services as and when you want them. If you hire employees you cannot fire them easily as you cannot predict the market conditions of supply and demand. Also rehiring is an additional costly activity.

Another important benefit of taking the services of a lead generation company is the expertise in generating leads. Your company might not have any skills in the new online methods of lead generation and you need an expert to help you utilize that path. The lead generation company can help you decide on the approaches that best suit your requirements.

Thus, a lead generation company can really help you cut down on costs in the long run and help you generate leads using most effective lead generation techniques.

Purba Mazumdar, Prospectr Marketing

5 Necessities for Your Sales Team

It doesn’t matter if you are a teleprospector or a sales person, the way you organize your assigned accounts will always be up to you. To ensure you have the proper oversight of your accounts, they should be organized so they benefit both you and your team. Looking from within a CRM, there are five list views that you should develop in order to guarantee that you have correct overseeing of your accounts:

Interested/Nurture Account View: When it comes to sales reps, accessing both short-term and long-term sales pipelines are often required at a moments notice. One suggestion for easy access and clear organization is to flag them according to the (re)engagement time. For example, if (re)engagement time is less than 2 months, flag ones under that amount of time as Interested and over that time as Nurture.

Dream Account Target View: At times you can have one list view or several other list views that hold thousands of contacts and many companies. To narrow it down, it is a good idea to form a more targeted list that pertains to individuals or companies that ideally fit the mold for your product. This list can simply be delegated by employee size, industry, revenue, etc. The point is to not make it complicated. This list helps you not go out prospecting blindly.

Activity Report: Record how many emails and phone calls you are making each day and see how the numbers relate. If you are making one phone call for every 4 emails and not meeting your goal, the solution clearly is to pick up your phone and start making calls.

Lead Feedback Report: Tracking both positive and negative feedback on your Stage 1 scheduled calls or demos can help you identify trends. Updating your CRM with this information can help you establish how to better qualify your potential prospects. Write a small report for your records to track down if an appointment occurred, if they need to reschedule, details from the call and what steps need to be taken next.

Untouched Accounts View: Knowing the accounts you haven’t touched and how many is a good idea in order to best reach each new contact. To switch up your call cycle and expand your prospects, simply add a few new accounts in each day. Also, if you do any mass email campaigning that would be a great time to use this list to distribute an introductory or referral email since they haven’t been touched.

As you oversee and analyze your accounts you will become more self-sufficient within your CRM and will be better prepared to uncover new prospect opportunities. These accounts will always be relayed back to you, so take ownership and organize them!

Acquisition of Internet Marketing Companies

There has been a steep rise in the number of internet marketing companies around the world. With the availability of numerous resources over the web to market one’s products or services, the internet marketing industry has seen a major boom in the past couple of years.

First, many marketing companies started to include online marketing services in their portfolio of services offered. But as we saw a burst of various social networks and, thus various techniques of marketing online, a variety of specialized internet marketing companies started to sprout.

These specialized companies use various types of marketing techniques such as Search engine marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, video marketing, etc.

Since there was a huge demand for such Internet marketing companies, the gap was filled by many small niche companies. And the numbers are still building up. But again there are some bigger players in the market that hold a big chunk of the market share. These big players keep growing and to take a bigger share of the pie, they have started to acquire smaller companies.

Such acquisition might happen if the smaller company has a good customer base, some unique algorithm or technique, or has become popular in a niche area. Acquiring such a company gives the bigger player access to the smaller company’s customers and technology, and helps consolidate the growing number of companies.

The major acquisition activity has been of traditional media and advertising firms acquiring boutique internet marketing companies. This shows that it is easier for the bigger company to acquire the internet marketing competencies by simply taking over a specialized firm.

B2b Sales Lead Generation Techniques

Sales lead generation is the first step to building a firm customer base. There are various ways in which a business can generate leads for B2B sales. I will highlight some of the best B2B sales lead generation techniques in this blog.

Relationship marketing is the best way of building leads in a B2B scenario. Using this technique you can cultivate a personal long-lasting relationship with prospects. A personal touch to your relationship with your customers can be built through an ongoing series of communication and personalized offers.

Partner referrals are another way of good sales lead generation. You need to tie up with your complementary partner to provide referrals through their customers. This is one of the best ways to generate B2B sales leads. Partner referrals increase your prospect’s trust in dealing with you due to their relation with your partner.

Internet marketing is another good technique as businesses are now spending more time online and researching on the web. Since more and more businesses now start with first researching their needs and service providers on the internet, a good internet marketing strategy helps you attract sales leads at the very beginning of the sales cycle.

Event marketing is another popular technique being used for B2B lead generation. It started off as an offline marketing technique, but now also combines flair of the online marketing world. Events used to be  meant for physical contact with your customers and share flyers and product demos. Now, there are online live events where you can demo your product online, or host live webinar sessions for your customers.

The basic idea of these sales generation techniques is to connect with customers in the right way and capture their attention for the right reasons. Thus, it is important to use the methods that best suit your business needs and the taste of your customer base.

Purba Muzambar, Prospectr Marketing


Social Visibility and Link Building

In the past link building for businesses was used for appearing in search results. However, social media has changed the face of building online businesses through sources like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The new link building is now about social visibility, mentions, and building your company’s presence.

Building relationships and then nurturing them is key for business development, because it will earn your company mentions from relevant websites. Focusing less on the technical aspect and more on the targeted traffic (people who will most likely be interested in your product).

Link building to attain social visibility and mentions can be reached in three simple steps.

Step 1. Research
Start with a simple Google search. You will be searching for relevant and local websites that pertain to your industry. Enter descriptive and long-tail keywords. To search further add a site operator (, this will enable you to discover new sources by discarding the sites you already know about and keeping the new links available.
Facebook is another place to search internally. You can find both relevant websites and start to build relationships.
The web catalog is yet another source where you can find out each website that links to the site that you are examining.
Once you have found your relevant and trustworthy websites begin to assemble a list.

Step 2. Outreach
Now that you have formed a list of websites that are local, trustworthy, and relevant, it is time to get the word out about your business.
Getting the word out begins with your story.
– Your story should be genuine and compelling, in order to let people know that you are passionate about your idea and are not just trying win them over for a favor.
– Don’t hit them full-force with your product spiel. BUILD a relationship with them, because no one is going to write about your online business from a one time encounter.
Another way to outreach is to create accounts on social networks.

Social Mention – this website helps you identify people for outreach by seeing real-time mentions from multiple social sites. All you do is type in your business’ keyword.
Twitter lists -Will gather people around relevant topics and from there you can start a relationship.
Rapportive – will help you find contact information on people who are interested in your business and build relationships with them.

Step 3. Keep Relationships Going
Stay in contact. Nurturing the relationships you have started is very important because this will contribute to your business’ reputation. Leaving someone hanging dry after you have started a relationship will have consequences. By reciprocating what has been done for you will also help build these new relationships.

Throughout these three steps staying organized with your search results, contacts, follow ups, links you are working on, etc. is incredibly important. A simple way to do this is by making an excel sheet to keep track. From there, you are well on your way to connecting with the targeted traffic and building those relationships!

~ Chelsea Jensen, Prospectr Marketing

The Five Obstacles of Business Development and Sales

Business development and inside sales professionals come across many hurdles that they must solve in order to keep a business up and running. Below are five common obstacles that the sales industry and business development face on a daily basis and five solutions that will prepare them for handling that problem.

1. Obstacle: A prospect tells you that they are satisfied with their current product and are not looking for any other solutions at this time. From there it can be easy for the BDR to answer “ Thanks for your time,” but this poses a threat to losing that prospect.
Solution: Instead of taking the easy way out, ask the prospect if they know that your product is top-of-the-line, quicker, cheaper, etc. might grab your prospect’s attention. If they are not up to talking at the moment, follow up with a quick email that provides key information about your product. Offering up an alternative to talking on the phone will show your prospect that you are conscientious of their time.

2. Obstacle: Dialing numbers doesn’t seem like a big time consumer, but when there are fifty to seventy phone numbers to work through it can take a good chunk of time out of your day. This time can be used more efficiently elsewhere.
Solution: An auto-dialer will speed up this process! It can help you reach your quota for the day a little quicker and improve your call number.

3. Obstacle: Hurtles can form in lists due to inaccurate or lack of information. Researching the correct emails and phone numbers for contacts can be a hassle, since people are constantly changing phones or positions within their company. This process is frustrating and can lower company moral.
Solution: Cleansing your lists before you give them to BDRs will help them concentrate on the task at hand instead of having to fix false information. It is quite difficult to have a perfect list because of the constant change of information, but cleansing your lists will aim you in the right direction.

4. Obstacle: Talking like you are reading off of a script can put off off potential customers. Listening to a robot is the last thing they would want to do. This might be hard for BDRs because their mission is to explain key product information while not saying to much.
Solution: It’s plain and simple, practice.

5. Obstacle: Trying to stay in contact with someone who is interested and seems like a good fit for the product is tough.
Solution: Either contacting them more often or getting in touch with an assistant can be helpful. From an assistant you might be able to get a hold of the prospect in a different way. Eventually, your persistence should pay off.

Chelsea Jensen, Prospectr Marketing