SPEED UP Lead Generation

Are your close ratios declining while your “no decisions” are rising? Is Sales asking for new marketing collateral without a reason? Then these might be signs of inconsistent messaging. This can slow down lead generation. In order to speed up lead generation, you need consistent messaging. This is easier said than done. Consistent messaging comes from the JOINT efforts of Sales and Marketing. Both need to work together to form a message based on the customer’s point of view.

Work the message from the ground up by looking at the customer’s perspective from the point of engagement to sale. Try to change the message according to the desires of the prospect, instead of changing the prospect’s desires to want a product.

There are five steps to form consistent messaging:

Step 1. Gather workers within the business who “touch the customer experience.” So that each angle of the interaction between the customer and the organization is analyzed.

Lead Generation

Step 2. Together identify:
• What the prospect is responsible for in his or her job
• What the prospect gets measured on
• What keeps the prospect up at night

Asking these questions will make your messaging more personal.

Step 3. Recognize undervalued threats. Instead of pointing out obvious problems the customer sees, identify points that customers fail to appreciate about your product.

Step 4. Create a message based on the understanding of your prospect and the underappreciated problems. Show the prospect how valuable these unseen aspects were.

Step 5. Test out your new messaging on sales professionals and select clients. If it works for them, then you are good to go!

With consistent messaging that engages the customer’s view, you can communicate how and why your product works for them. This clear-cut communication will increase the prospect’s understanding of your product, which will result in faster lead generation.

Outbound Marketing Tips for 2013

Marketing Tips for 2013: kicking off a new outbound teleprospecting campaign requires careful preparation and a proactive, yet adaptable, outlook.  Below are some of the intangibles and physical assets you should be mindful of within the first two weeks of a new campaign:

Week 1:

Secure a targeted list: Whether you build this internally, or attain a new list from a vendor, makes sure you have a targeted approach by company.  Think about who your ideal company is; employee size, industry, annual revenue, location.  You may also have a clear picture of who your decision makers are based upon title, but if not, attain a few key contacts that reside within your target departments (Marketing, IT, Sales, etc).

Create strategic messaging:  Try your best not to dump every benefit and technical feature in your emails and voicemails.  Keep them high-level with a few bulleted highlights that conveys why you think it would be worth speaking for a few minutes.  Also, have a very short referral email handy – this can be used as a 1st contact if you’re unsure of your target audience within the company, or, in situations where your data is not reliable.

Have your ‘Battle’ card ready:  A ‘Battle’ card or ‘Sales’ card is a handy one or two-page cheat sheet that overviews all your talking points for live conversations, as well as common objection handling and competition overview.  These are great to get you comfortable talking with prospects in the initial phases of a kick-off campaign.

A “Kick-off” mass email:  I’ve always been a fan of starting off a campaign with a high-level introduction email that clarifies in a couple sentences what your company/solution does and why you’re looking to speak with the person who oversees that area of operation.  This helps streamline quicker pipeline or incoming referrals and provides the Business Development Rep(s) a more efficient launching pad.

Week 2:

Analyze your “Kick-off” email:  Flag all accounts that had bad emails that bounced (some programs can automate this).  Analyze your open rates and click-through rates (website clicks); if you’re over a 10% open rate, that is pretty good.  Manage your follow ups based on who clicked-through the website and then on to the people who opened the email message multiple times (3+ should be the priority bucket).  Of course, all incoming emails and calls should be the top focus, as those are active prospects that you need to connect with to see if they can be qualified.

Make any necessary tweaks:  You may find that a certain range of prospects with particular titles have been responding more than others, or, your referrals keep leading toward another position that wasn’t even a listed target originally.  Try and diagnose as to whether or not the messaging should be tweaked based upon new findings.  Keep in close contact with the reps on the projects to understand if the voice and email messaging is resonating and, if for some reason the results are dry and minimal, that would be the time to change the messaging and attempt a new approach.

Call Shadow:  The first two weeks are critical for a trainer or manager to listen in on calls – either an hour of cold-call follow ups or a scheduled call with an interested prospect.  This is the best way to understand how the prospects from your target accounts are responding to your messaging and scripting.  Some of the best changes can come from these strategic sessions.

With 2013 fast approaching, there’s no doubt that endless amounts of Marketing and Sales departments are preparing for their own unique teleprospecting campaigns to kick things off effectively.  As you look through this list, is there anything you have done differently or anything that rings true for you?

Building a Quality Email List

The best email lists are those that contain the names of loyal repeat customers, referral sources who respect others privacy and interested prospects who know you and your business well enough to recognize your emails. Building a permission based email list with a high number of quality subscribers can be tough, but the return is worth the effort!

Store your email data in an easy to edit, and segment electronic database. A good place to start would be your email marketing providers built in database. Email lists are an asset. Therefore, offering some sort of incentive, or reward for signing up should be common practice.

Creating an effective incentive is tough.

  1. Decide where to ask.
  2. Decide when to ask.
  3. Decide how to ask.

To engage potential subscribers you must find out what motivates them and use that to ask for “sign ups” in an effective way.

Email marketing is essential in every businesses marketing “quiver”, don’t let a small subscriber list stop your company’s email marketing campaigns. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Marketing Automation Benefits

Marketing Automation Benefits

Marketing Automation is the process of delivering engaging, relevant, timely and valuable content that will be of interest to your specific target market. Marketing Automation’s purpose is to improve Sales Lead Generation by driving awareness and interest in your company’s products and services. Marketing Automation solutions integrated with a structured sales process deliver the following benefits:

  • Predictable Revenue Growth
  • Reduced Customer Acquisition Costs
  • Increasing Productivity of Sales & Marketing Staff

Marketing Automation Challenges

Successful business leaders balance the promise of return on investments in marketing technology with reasonable concerns such as:

  • What is the Return on Investment for this type of solution?
  • How will we know the technology is delivering value?
  • Do we have the available skilled resources to effectively deliver the expected results?
  • How much IT effort is required to implement Marketing Automation?
  • What is the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Marketing Automation?

Marketing Automation Solutions

Marketing Automation solutions deliver comprehensive email marketing campaigns tightly integrated with a structured sales process minimizing risk and delivering the following benefits:

  • Performance Based Pricing ensuring a Return on Investment
  • Turnkey solutions including IT and Marketing Resources
  • Integration of Marketing Automation with outbound Sales Lead Generation creating a Closed Loop Sales Process

Marketing automation is a critical success factor supporting the complex sales process. Research shows that 80-92% of senior business executives research business problems online and prefer to obtain information about your products and solutions through content such as white papers, blogs, articles, and educational materials.

Contact us to discuss the value of implementing Performance Based Sales and Marketing solutions.

Email Delivery Tips

How we monitor delivery

We have developed some instrumentation so we can monitor how we are doing on getting messages to our users’ inbox. Our applications tag each outgoing message with a unique header with a hashed value that gets recorded by the application before the message is sent.

To gather delivery information, we run a script that tails the Postfix logs and extracts the delivery time and status for each piece of mail, including any error message received from the receiving mail server, and links it back to the hash the application stored. We store this information for 30 days.

We also send these statistics to our stats server so they can be reported through our metrics dashboard. This “live” and historical information can then be used by our operations team to check how we’re doing on aggregate mail delivery for each application.

Why run your own mail servers?

Over the last few years, at least a dozen services that specialize in sending email have popped up, ranging from the bare-bones to the full-service. Despite all these “email as a service” startups we’ve kept our mail delivery in-house, for a couple of reasons:

  • We don’t know anyone who could do it better. With a 99.3% delivery rate, we haven’t found a third party provider that actually does better in a way they’re willing to guarantee.
  • Setup hassle Most of the third party services require that you verify each address that sends email by clicking a link that gets sent to that address. We send email from thousands and thousands of email addresses for our products, and the hassle of automatically registering and confirming them is significant. Automating the process still introduces unnecessary delivery delays.

Given all this, why should we pay someone tens of thousands of dollars to do it? We shouldn’t, and we don’t.

Read more about how we keep delivery rates high after the jump…

How we keep our mail delivery rates up

Lets be honest from the get-go. Mail delivery is more of an art than a science. We’ve found that even when you “play by the rules”, there’s still times when a major provider will reject all your mail without notice. Usually it takes a couple emails to to the providers abuse address, and things get resolved. In spite of these “out of our control” issues, we’ve found a few things help us keep delivery rates up:

  1. Constantly monitor spam blacklists: We have a set of Nagios alerts that regularly check if we’re listed on any delivery blacklists, and whenever they go off we take whatever corrective action we need to get back off the blacklist.
  2. Have valid SPF records. Don’t impersonate your users. When running a web app like Basecamp, which sends email that are generated by another user, it can be tempting to send the email from that user (e.g., so that a comment I wrote on Basecamp would appear to come from noah at 37signals dot com), which might make people feel more comfortable. Unfortunately, this is a surefire way to end up on spam lists, since you’ll likely be sending from an IP address that does not have the valid SPF records. And chances are, if the user’s domain does have an SPF record, it doesn’t include your application’s IP.
  3. Sign the mail! DKIM and Domain Keys. Yahoo and Gmail both score signed email higher.
  4. Dedicated and conditioned email sending IPs.
  5. Configure reverse dns entries. Most of the “big boys” won’t accept mail from your servers if your reverse dns entries don’t match. You might need your IP provider to help with setting up these records.
  6. Enroll in feedback loops. We haven’t automated our parsing of feedback, but a daily / weekly review of feedback loop emails helps us know when there’s an unhappy user, or other problem. Too many complaints and you’ve got trouble.

A problem we haven’t solved

By far the biggest cause of failed email delivery we see is due to bad email addresses that were entered in to the system—problems like ‘joe@gmal.com’ or ‘sue@yahooo.com’. By and large, these pass a regular expression check for email addresses, but aren’t actually valid addresses. There’s no perfect solution here, but we’ve been experimenting with checking for valid DNS records or actually attempting to connect to the mail server as part of the validation of an email address, and with notifying people within the application when we aren’t able to deliver mail to them.

A few tools

  • MX Toolbox is a great site for doing a quick check on your mail servers and your customer’s mail servers.
  • Sender Score is really a marketing tool for Return Path, but it can be used to get insight about how some of the “big boys” are scoring your sending IPs.
  • Postmark offers a web tool and API to get the SpamAssassin score for a message, which can be helpful for identifying things you can improve to boost delivery rates.

Have questions about email delivery? Ask in the comments, and we’ll try our best to answer.

Sales Lead Generation Success Factors

Critical Success in Sales Lead Generation

Generating quality sales leads is a critical success factor in achieving all companies’ revenue goals. Research shows that as an industry becomes more competitive, the need to generate high quality sales leads becomes even more critical for maintaining sales growth and profitability.

Sales Lead Generation Challenges

Sales Lead generation is a necessary function for any business that plans to grow. Whether you outsource your Lead Generation function or strengthen your internal Demand Generation process—the strategies, metrics and performance requirements should be the same.

  • Establish your Return on Investment (ROI) Requirement:If your field sales employees have a base salary of approximately $100,000-$150,000 and they are spending 25% or more of their time on the phone generating leads, this has a serious impact on your cost of sales and ROI.
  • Assess the Skills and Costs:Successful inside sales representatives must be skilled at encountering more rejection than the average field sales representative. The compensation for a skilled inside sales representative can be up to $75,000 annually including commissions. Add to these costs the supervisory and management expenses, the cost of high turnover, and the discipline required to manage each function.
  • Create Performance Metrics:The inside sales telephone prospecting function must be run with the discipline of a professional call center. Successful Lead Generation requires a consistent commitment to a set of measurable metrics such as number of calls per hour, number of quality leads per week and quality assurance metrics. Advanced call center technology is required to improve sales productivity and provide necessary management information reports.

Sales Lead Generation solutions deliver a comprehensive structured sales process tightly integrated with email marketing campaigns minimizing risk and delivering the following benefits:

  • Performance Based Pricing ensuring a Return on Investment
  • Scalable, Predictable Increases in the Sales Pipeline
  • Reduced Customer Acquisition Costs
  • Increased Productivity of Sales & Marketing Staff
  • Integration of Marketing Automation with outbound Sales Lead Generation creating a Closed Loop Sales Process

CSO Insights research documented companies that have mature sales lead generation practices have a 9.3% percent higher sales quota achievement rate and 7% higher sales win rate than those who do not.

Feel free to contact us here to discuss the value of implementing Performance Based Sales Lead Generation solutions.

Lead Generation Company – How to Evaluate Your Marketing Partner Prices

Lead Generation Company Benchmarking

As a business owner and marketing guy – I am consistently evaluating other lead generation company prices and marketing service offerings. Here are few things I have learned to look for:

  1. Do they offer a performance-based guarantee?
  2. Relevant and detailed testimonials?
  3. Trial, or test phase?
lead generation company

As you negotiate and determine lead generation partners feel free to ask for benchmark intelligence. These price breaks will give you relevant and up-to-date pricing for the marketing processes and marketing automation services that you are thinking about outsourcing. It is important to have relevant comparisons and considerations to make sure that your budgeted dollars are spent wisely. Feel free to ask for benchmark intelligence and I will send industry average current pricing for comparison and discussion.

– Travis Piepho, Prospectr Marketing

Prospectr Marketing Referral Program

Performance-Based Marketing Company Referral Program

Do you know other people who are in need of performance-based marketing services? We’re willing to pay you a 5% commission on all services rendered over 6 months for every newly procured client. You do not need to do any selling for Prospectr, just get us the meeting and we’ll take care of everything else.

So for example, if your referral signs a 6-month contract for $2,500 a month, you’ll be paid $125 a month for 6 months or $750 in total.

What we do:

Sales Lead Generation
Marketing Automation
Internet Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Content Generation
Web Design & Development
Conversion Optimization
Brand Development
Mobile Marketing
Marketing Research
Email Marketing
Video Marketing

Our services lead directly to more business for our clients and pay for themselves within months.

Places to look for referrals:
Friends / Family with new or growing businesses
Doctors / Dentists / Lawyers
Your clients or the clients of your firm
Your own firm, your boss
Restaurants / Local Businesses

If you think you know anyone whose business could use these services (that’s essentially everyone), then please get in touch with us to discuss how we can arrange a meeting.

Thanks, Travis and The Prospectr Marketing Team

Performance-Based Internet Marketing: SEO Optimization

Search Engine Optimization Basics (SEO):

Search Engine Optimization is the process of continually optimizing a website for search engines to increase the overall ranking of the website and its pages

About SEO

  • Search Engine Optimization helps customers find your website instead of a competitor’s website
  • Compared to PPC Ads, natural listings generate 10x more click-through
  • Customers assume that a website ranked as a top search result is more relevant
  • Search Engine Optimization can single-handedly allow a business to take over an industry

What our SEO Efforts Involve

  • Creating positive movement in search engine rankings for specific pages and keywords
  • Targeting local markets in search engine rankings
  • Build and Optimize Any Additional Pages Necessary to Target New Markets
  • Build Links to These Pages to Increase their Ranking

Link Building

The truth about high quality links is that they are extremely difficult to get and take a considerable amount of time and effort.  Most good links for a website generally take an e-mail or phone call to acquire.

  • A good link building strategy focuses on targeting high Page rank websites from around the country in related industries.  Its process avoid auto approved directories and other popular techniques that are considered spam by Google.  Focus on quality over quantity.Link building is a 5-phase process:

    1)     DiscoveryCreate a comprehensive map of related industries and keywords relative to a clients’ website.The team then conducts research to discover related websites that could serve as great sources for links.2)     StrategyThe key to a successful link building campaign is developing an effective strategy for landing sustainable links in related industries.  Once a niche market in a related industry has been established, the key will be finding ways to add value to other websites via guest posts, links from other websites, news stories, etc.3)     NegotiationAfter contacting several hundred potential link partners, negotiation and follow-up will be required to land these links.  Landing one good link may require 5 guest blog posts and can take 5-10 hours of work.  Others can be as simple as writing a very well thought out e-mail and making a follow-up phone call to the main decision maker.4)     ExecutionOnce the negotiation stage is complete, then create whatever collateral is necessary for getting a high quality link.5)     Follow UpFollow up with the partner to make sure that the link is secure.

How a Multi-Touch, Multi-Media Prospecting Approach Multiplies Results


This article discusses prospecting strategies and how to efficiently reach your target market.

  • Media Channels
  • Frequency
  • Reach
  • Calendar
  • Audiences
  • Creative
  • Activity Reporting

Marketing campaigns establish brand image, whether good, or bad your campaign is influencing your target audience’s perception of your brand. Marketing emails can be redundant, sales calls can be insistent enough to irritate. Good lead nurturing falls somewhere between the two – enough contact to engage, but enough space to respect the demands on a busy prospect.

The trick is to know how to balance the contacts between timing and type of outreach. Mixed media programs that use a combination of quality outbound calls, voice mail messages, email and direct mail all optimally scheduled for the greatest effect will consistently be the best use of your marketing dollars

Everyday a large percentage of leads are abandoned by sales simply because the prospect did not response to a few, single-channel contact attempts. Salespeople generally do not have the time, or the patience to make the multiple touches, which can run from as few as eight to as many as 30, or more – to identify, qualify, and nurture prospects to a point of sales readiness. Even immediate-need opportunities can take as many as a dozen attempts by sales to become effectively engaged.

A multi-touch strategy allows the prospect to be contacted in his, or her preferred manner. Most busy decision makers are not willing or able to arbitrarily pre-empt their business day to respond to a telephone sales contact, but can reply to an email, or VM at their convenience and schedule a time for follow up. A combination of properly timed and executed initiatives opens all channels of communication and thereby opens opportunities.

Historically, database marketers have expected to increase their results by six to eight times when following up a direct mail, or email campaign with a single phone call. But what you may not know is that stopping at that single touch point can leave substantial business – half, or even more – on the table for competitors to grab.

It’s true. Traditional one and done advocates touch customers once and then move on to the next big marketing initiative. This is extremely ineffective compared to campaigns that integrate multiple emails and media touch points that reach out to business prospects repeatedly. This multi – touch process builds familiarity and increases a positive brand perception within the mind of your target prospect.

Throughout the years we have collected data while working with many clients and working on over 100 separate direct marketing programs. As a part of this, I tracked the numbers. I tracked frequency and type of touches performed and corresponding response rates. Analysis revealed that unless you are reaching to prospects with at least nine individual touches – including a minimum of two email messages – you are not achieving the results that you could.

The initial contact cycle – the first time that you touch your prospect base with a combination of nine phone calls, emails, voice mails and direct mail – will yield only 40-50% of the total opportunities. Continuing to touch the same prospects with the same multi-touch, multi-media process will identify other opportunities within the market.

In fact, lead rates from the second and third nine-touch cycle can generate anywhere from 110-220% on the initial lead rate. There is a point of diminishing return – in most B2B markets the return does not support the investment after the fourth, or fifth cycle.

Voicemail and email reach busy decision makers – these touch points have comprised over 30% of all leads delivered to our clients over 35 years. Perhaps surprisingly the most frequent responders to VM and Email are the more senior-level decision makers.

We hope that these statistics and processes will help you with your own demand generation process.

Author: Travis Piepho, Prospectr Marketing, https://www.prospectrmarketing.com

A Premier Lead Generation Company