Entries by admin

Twitter Strategies: Building Engagement

Ever wonder why your tweet was never retweeted? You spent time on creating content or an article your brand and you thought it would drive traffic, awareness, and build engagement but it did not work.  You ask yourself what else can I do to build engagement on twitter?  There are some specific strategies that have […]

Your Brand’s True Colors

Some of the most prominent brands in the world are defined and recognized by their colors.  McDonald’s golden arches, Coca-Cola’s red, and UPS’s brown to name a few.  Many of the most successful companies strategically incorporate their colors into their website, logo, and product to appeal to customers.  The color of a brand sticks sometimes […]

Avoid a “No Decision”

Over the years sales deals have been closing at a lower and lower rate, and what is worse is that a higher percentage of these are seeing the prospect make no decision at all.  Losing a deal to a competitor is something that businesses can get over because it is all part of the game, […]

Go Viral with Video Marketing

Have you noticed that today’s consumers are more engaged and interacted through video?  It is safe to say that online video marketing has grown immensely over the years for businesses, and rightfully so.  Just look at the popularity and variety that YouTube has brought to the world.  Everyone uses it, including many businesses.  According to comScore […]

Onboarding: Welcome Aboard

New employees, specifically new sales partners, are brought in by organizations that want their services and skills to increase productivity and make them money.  In order for this to happen it is very important that they have a smooth, but quick transition into their new role within the company.  Similar to when a sports team […]

Social Command Centers

Today, the social media industry is frantically trying to keep up with the real-time environment and the fast pace of consumers.  Due to the increase and sudden explosion of the many social media channels, consumers are more connected and influential than they have ever been, and businesses are faced with this challenge more frequently.  They […]

Converting Prospects to Clients

Sometimes businesses focus so much on their current clients and trying to find new prospects that they don’t pay nearly enough attention to converting the prospects they have already acclaimed into clients.  The list of prospects that your company grows and labels as prospective clients should be treated as the biggest asset, because without prospects, […]

Measure Your Content Marketing Success

Many businesses and companies measure their content based on responses from blogs, articles, and different signups, when they should be measuring their content marketing based on a broader perspective with deeper questions.  Yes, you can obviously see how successful you have been through the number of leads you have generated and their quality, as well […]

The Other Half of SEO: Improving Website Accessibility

“Good” SEO has two halves.  One half is the obvious one that most people understand as content, consisting of high quality and relevancy.  The other half that usually takes a back seat to the content side is accessibility.  A website that  easily accessible will, as a result, have an easier usability this makes your website more attractive […]

Permission Marketing: A Dating Relationship

Time is the biggest and most valuable asset and commodity that consumers say they don’t ever have enough of.  Permission marketing is the marking strategy that respects this valuable commodity.  Where respect is given, respect is earned.  In this case, consumers respect permission marketing because they respect consideration of their time.  The difference between permission […]