Network Yourself at a Marketing Event

After you are done with a long day’s work and the only thing on your mind is kicking back and relaxing, the one thing you don’t want to be thinking about is work. The summer months make it even more difficult to think about work when you aren’t even there. There are so many others things you would rather be doing than attending a networking event and having the opportunity to meet even more individuals and organizations. The truth is that local networking events provide an immense amount of business opportunities, and you don’t even need to go far to find out about them. As a marketing team and as an individual you should take advantage of local networking events to connect with those in the area. It will only benefit you. Here are some tips to keep in mind to get the most out of attending a local networking event:

1. Connect Before the Event – Twitter has become universal and many people use the hashtag for the event to let people know they will be attending. The purpose for this is so that they can see who else will be attending so when they go their they will already recognize someone, making it easier to start up a conversation.

2. Establish an Objective – What is your reason for attending the event? Know why you are there and go out and get it done. Objectives might include: Recruiting, new client acquisition, blog and social media content, and job opportunities. Make sure you justify the cost of attending and complete your objective.

3. Arrive Early and Leave On Time – You will meet more people if you arrive early. Also, get the most out of the presentation or activity scheduled. Take notes and learn from what you hear. After, there is still time to network and talk with people. Don’t jet out the door immediately but don’t stay too late.

4. Participate – There are usually opportunities for audience participation such as Q and A’s. Take advantage of these so that you can easily get your company name out there and what you do. Also, the expert will have some good answers for you. I guarantee you that.

Author: Michael Whartnaby, Prospectr Marketing

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