Improve Lead Generation 10 Questions to Ask and 10 Actions to Take

By |2016-12-08T15:23:10-06:00October 5th, 2012|management, Marketing, Sales|

Basic questions to ask about your marketing spend regarding how to improve lead generation: How much will it really cost? Is the objective clear: Are we looking to gain awareness, interest, or response? What are the expected results? On what basis are those results expected? Best and worst cases. Would you approve the campaign if [...]

Speak to Buyers Pain Points and Your Offer Will Leap Ahead

By |2016-12-08T15:23:11-06:00September 20th, 2012|General Insights, Marketing, Sales|

When marketing and selling to buyers it is important to understand not only why they might buy on behalf of the company,  but also to understand why they might buy for their own personal reasons. Offer - the relevant message, or value proposition that you bring to the market. A great offer considers the following [...]

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