
When we consider customer service we think of our companies lifeblood. How is customer service being reduced to such an impersonal experience? I respect insightful response programs that create knowledgeable and timely response to prospects, or customers that are most likely to buy. It is important that B2B companies remember that answering your customers requests with timely and relevant information drives continual business and creates a feeling of worth to them. Great response management services are helpful in staying on top of your customer’s requests. New upcoming service providers like Safe Harbor also can add significant value to B2B companies looking to automate some of their customer service with a professional response and a personal touch.

With the current automated internet service environment it is no wonder, “People are frustrated with automated systems. They’re also not fond of the new trend in voice response systems that are now becoming industry standard. Would you be surprised if I told you that they just want to talk to another human being?” (Brian Solis: “How To Make Customer Service Matter Again”).

There is no denying the importance of Response Management, Customer Service, and/or Personal Automation

~Travis Piepho

Prospectrs’ Contact Information – If you desire personal automation please contact me. I will gladly send you more information.