The Rewards of Business

By |2017-11-02T15:42:45-05:00June 21st, 2012|Business Development, Customer Service, General Insights|

Each year approximately 600,000 new businesses are started by courageous people who seek many things, with one in particular.  They seek success.  Success is a reward or gift, and sometimes everything that goes into the work and the meaning of the word cannot be described entirely.  Excited entrepreneurs may say they are in it for [...]

Onboarding: Welcome Aboard

By |2017-11-02T16:14:27-05:00June 20th, 2012|Business Development, Marketing, Sales|

New employees, specifically new sales partners, are brought in by organizations that want their services and skills to increase productivity and make them money.  In order for this to happen it is very important that they have a smooth, but quick transition into their new role within the company.  Similar to when a sports team [...]

Social Command Centers

By |2017-11-02T15:51:49-05:00June 19th, 2012|Business Development, Customer Service, Marketing, Social Media Marketing|

Today, the social media industry is frantically trying to keep up with the real-time environment and the fast pace of consumers.  Due to the increase and sudden explosion of the many social media channels, consumers are more connected and influential than they have ever been, and businesses are faced with this challenge more frequently.  They [...]

The Other Half of SEO: Improving Website Accessibility

By |2017-11-02T11:52:24-05:00June 12th, 2012|Business Development, Customer Service, Social Media Marketing|

“Good” SEO has two halves.  One half is the obvious one that most people understand as content, consisting of high quality and relevancy.  The other half that usually takes a back seat to the content side is accessibility.  A website that  easily accessible will, as a result, have an easier usability this makes your website [...]

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