
5 Biggest Mistakes Sales Managers Make When Interviewing

By |March 2nd, 2016|Categories: General Insights, management|

It happened again! Just 6 months after hiring, you have another sales team member walk out the door. Turnover is a back breaker in business, isn't it? A CaeerBuilder survey says more than half of the 6,000 hiring professionals survey made a bad hire. And 27% of US employers said at least one of their bad hires cost them [...]

How to Find Direct Contact Information for Any Prospect

By |February 29th, 2016|Categories: Business Development, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Sales, Sales Lead Generation|

If it took you just a few minutes to get the direct contact information of almost any prospect, would you use that route? Of course you would. Who wouldn't? Nobody likes wasting hours trying to find the direct contact information of any prospect. Fortunately, the internet makes it easy, and basically free. Check out this simple process for finding [...]

How to Sell to Everyone Involved in the Decision (Not Just Your Prospect)

By |February 22nd, 2016|Categories: Business Development, General Insights, Sales, Sales Lead Generation|

Have you ever had this happen to you? You have a great relationship with your prospect. They love you. They love your solution. It's been one of the smoothest and easiest sales processes you've had so far. Everything looks good. Then, you oddly don't hear back from your prospect. Uh-oh. Something's wrong... You reach out to them a few [...]

How the Sales Process REALLY Works (Versus What You Should Do)

By |February 7th, 2016|Categories: Business Development, General Insights, Sales|

Phil Kriendler, owner of a multi-million dollar sales consulting business, says this is how the sales process works in reality: Salespeople do 70% of the talking. The first opportunity they have, they go on and on about the features and benefits their company offers. Of course, when asked, salespeople always say they spend 80% of their time listening and [...]

This Post Reveals How to Prevent Objections from Ever Happening

By |January 28th, 2016|Categories: Business Development, Sales|

“Your price is too high.” “Call me in six months.” “No way!” Beginning sales people dread objections. And experienced sales people don’t even know what they sound like. Isn’t the ideal really to never even experience objections in the first place? What a dream that would be! Of course, it’s impossible to prevent all objections. But you can certainly [...]

3 Sneaky Tricks to Adding Urgency So You Sign More Contracts

By |January 21st, 2016|Categories: Business Development, Sales|

I was participating in a LinkedIn group for sales execs lately, and the question came up,”How do I add urgency to contracts so prospects sign faster?” It was an interesting question that sparked a lot of discussion. And I’m guessing that since someone asked that question, many of you have it too. Let me explain some tips and tracks [...]

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