
What to do About Buyers Completing 60% of the Sales Process Before Talking to You

By |October 30th, 2015|Categories: Business Development, Sales|

60% of the buying process - that's the stat you'll see most sales trainers, coaches, and thought leaders tell you. That's how much of the sales process your buyer completes before even talking to you. So what do you do about that? What Most Companies Do  Most throw their arms up in the air and get frustrated. They complain. [...]

Is Your Market Too Competitive? Nonsense!

By |October 29th, 2015|Categories: Business Development, General Insights, Sales|

Ahhh...the American free market. It may be the greatest invention of any society to date. But it has its cons too... What if your competitors start dropping their prices to snatch up your customers? That's a good thing for the market. But a MAJOR obstacle for you! In her post on a similar topic, sales thought leader Colleen Francis [...]

How Much Each Touchpoint Adds to Your Marketing Costs

By |October 22nd, 2015|Categories: Email Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Automation|

I read an interesting post over at Marketo's blog. It talks about "pipeline-to-cost" ratio. In plain English, it basically means how much did a marketing channel or tactic contribute to a lead's development in comparison to the cost of marketing on that channel? Marketo checked this information in two ways: First-touch - what was the ratio based on the lead's source? [...]

Success Mindset: Why Failing Today Matters

By |October 15th, 2015|Categories: Business Development, General Insights, Sales|

Worth more than $70 billion, arguably the greatest investor of all-time, and one of the best business minds ever, you have to agree Warren Buffet is a resounding success. But, he admits, he made a $100 billion mistake in 1967, when first starting his investing career. Back then, he ran a hedge fund. Rather than buying the insurance company [...]

Use These 8 Mind-Blowing Statistics to Close More Sales Today

By |October 13th, 2015|Categories: Business Development, Marketing Automation, Sales|

Think you know what you're doing in sales? Maybe you do, and you're spot on, making a total killing. But sales changes so fast that maybe what you used to think was true isn't anymore. Things aren't working, and you're not sure why. Check out these sales stats and see what the case might be for yourself:  #1. Most Sales [...]

How to Build Relationships with Powerful Executives

By |October 8th, 2015|Categories: Business Development, Sales|

Breaking into the trust network of a senior executive is tough. Like, really tough. Regardless of how long they've been there, they've usually worked with trusted advisors for years. Plus, like every professional, they're strapped for time. They have hundreds of e-mails sitting in their inbox. They have 20 voice messages they haven't listened to. And then you have [...]

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