Success Mindset: Why Failing Today Matters

By |2017-04-14T16:00:07-05:00October 15th, 2015|Business Development, General Insights, Sales|

Worth more than $70 billion, arguably the greatest investor of all-time, and one of the best business minds ever, you have to agree Warren Buffet is a resounding success. But, he admits, he made a $100 billion mistake in 1967, when first starting his investing career. Back then, he ran a hedge fund. Rather [...]

Use These 8 Mind-Blowing Statistics to Close More Sales Today

By |2017-04-14T16:00:34-05:00October 13th, 2015|Business Development, Marketing Automation, Sales|

Think you know what you're doing in sales? Maybe you do, and you're spot on, making a total killing. But sales changes so fast that maybe what you used to think was true isn't anymore. Things aren't working, and you're not sure why. Check out these sales stats and see what the case might [...]

How to Build Relationships with Powerful Executives

By |2017-04-14T16:01:01-05:00October 8th, 2015|Business Development, Sales|

Breaking into the trust network of a senior executive is tough. Like, really tough. Regardless of how long they've been there, they've usually worked with trusted advisors for years. Plus, like every professional, they're strapped for time. They have hundreds of e-mails sitting in their inbox. They have 20 voice messages they haven't listened [...]

3 Fastest Ways Guaranteed to Help You Make Your 2nd Half Sales Numbers

By |2017-04-14T16:01:36-05:00October 6th, 2015|Business Development, Sales, Sales Lead Generation|

Uh-oh. Did you just look at your sales numbers for 2015...and notice you're way behind where you should be for the second half? What can you do to recover and save the day? Relax - we got you covered. Here's what to do: 1. Focus on What Your Prospect Wants to Buy, Not Convincing [...]

What Works with Sales Leadership Today?

By |2017-04-14T16:02:03-05:00September 30th, 2015|General Insights, Sales|

You just promoted you "sales superstar" to manager... But you haven't seen any noticeable improvement in overall sales performance since they took over! What gives? Well, truth be told, selling and leader salespeople are two completely different skills. If your top salesperson isn't great at leading people, it simply may not be their skill. No sweat. [...]

Strange But True: Twitter is the #1 Social Site for Salespeople

By |2017-04-14T16:02:27-05:00September 28th, 2015|Business Development, General Insights, Internet Marketing, Sales, Social Media Marketing|

Founded in December 2002, LinkedIn now boasts more than 380 million users. The network gets 2 new members every second. That makes it the 3rd most popular social network in the world - right behind China's Qzone and, of course, Facebook. And don't forget about the anecdotal evidence. Ask anyone the best social site for [...]

How to Add Value to Every Prospect Interaction So Customers Can’t Wait to Do Business with You

By |2017-04-14T16:03:15-05:00August 12th, 2015|Business Development, General Insights, Sales, Sales Lead Generation|

"Hi Sally, just checking in to see..." "Hello Sally, hope all is well with you..." "Hello Sally, I'm reaching out to see..." "Hello, Sally, I'm touching base to..." Do you know how many e-mails like these prospects see daily? They don't incent interest or action. So, your prospects disengage, and you don't close any [...]

Why Do the Best Salespeople Seem To Have All the Luck?

By |2017-04-14T16:04:13-05:00July 29th, 2015|Sales|

Grrrrrr... No matter what you seem to do in your sales process, you don't close at the same rate as your office's "superstar." You've tried everything: increasing urgency, closing more aggressively, qualifying prospects better, saying "no" to more requests, and nothing seems to improve your results. It's frustrating because you can't seem to find [...]

How to Overcome The Greatest Barrier to Sales Success

By |2017-04-14T16:06:10-05:00July 7th, 2015|General Insights, Sales|

Jonathan Farrington says the biggest obstacle to sales success is the "Egocentric Predicament." Wait a minute! What? Put simply, the "egocentric predicament" refers to placing your own interests above the client's. To put others' interests above your own requires extensive hard work overcoming yourself. And overcoming yourself, Jonathan adds, isn't an easy process. But when you [...]

4 Proven Steps You Can Take to Avoid Letting Leads go to Waste

By |2017-04-14T16:08:56-05:00May 17th, 2015|Business Development, General Insights, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Sales|

Sales pro Colleen Francis says around 30% of all sales leads go to complete waste. Ouch! If you could close 30% more prospects, how much in revenue would that be for your business? What could your business do with that additional capital? Got a mental picture of that? Good. Now learn what you can do [...]

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