How We Generate An Avalanche of B2B Leads on LinkedIn™ (6 Easy Steps)

By |2019-09-30T15:02:19-05:00April 14th, 2017|Business Development, Email Marketing, LinkedIn, Marketing Automation, Sales, Sales Lead Generation|

"LinkedIn is Dead!" -- loudly proclaim all the B2B sales professionals around the world as soon as they fail to generate B2B leads and sales on LinkedIn... The. Worlds. Largest. B2B. Network. If this is you, or you've been starting to feel like LinkedIn's turning into the "Facebook for professionals"... You know... the mudslinging battleground really more [...]

How a Multi-Touch, Multi-Media Prospecting Approach Multiplies Results

By |2016-12-08T15:23:08-06:00December 4th, 2012|Business Development, Marketing, Sales|

This article discusses prospecting strategies and how to efficiently reach your target market. Media Channels Frequency Reach Calendar Audiences Creative Activity Reporting Marketing campaigns establish brand image, whether good, or bad your campaign is influencing your target audience’s perception of your brand. Marketing emails can be redundant, sales calls can be insistent enough to irritate. [...]

Revenue Process Optimization: Passive Discovery

By |2017-11-02T13:45:18-05:00November 16th, 2012|Internet Marketing, management, Marketing, Sales|

Understanding how your messages are passively discovered is an interesting factor in determining your investment strategy. Many paid techniques for passive discovery - such as banner advertising for instance - are inherently trackable. However, it is equally true that the great content that allows your organization to earn passive discovery is often much less trackable. [...]

Lead Generation: Stages of Engagement

By |2017-11-02T12:58:47-05:00November 8th, 2012|Marketing, Sales|

Optimized Lead Generation Lead generation requires us to understand and follow the different stages of engagement that a business prospects progresses through. By analyzing a buyers "digital body language' you can categorize buyers as the following: Inactive Aware Engaged Interested Needs Analysis of some sort Solution Presentation Solution Proposal Commitment and Negotiation Closed Deal At [...]

Content Delivery and Engaging the Changed Buyer

By |2016-12-08T15:23:10-06:00October 12th, 2012|Marketing, Sales|

Marketers can no longer sit back and "buy attention" through mass media and then rely on professional salespeople to step in to guide buyers from discovery call through close. Engaging the changed buyer requires new insight. Search is the new sales person. "The buyer searching for information must be educated. Perceptions must change. Objections must [...]

Measuring Marketing Success Based on Cost Per Lead Kills Companies

By |2016-12-08T15:23:11-06:00October 3rd, 2012|Marketing, Sales|

Cost per lead kills companies because there is a very basic conflict of interest: One department sets quantity standards, while another department sets the budget and another group is responsible for implementing the budget and driving potential prospects in the door. This lead generation group has the responsibility to meet the quota set for quantity [...]

What Doesn't Work When It Comes To Lead Management

By |2012-09-24T23:54:05-05:00September 24th, 2012|General Insights, Marketing, Sales|

Lead management really comes down to the basics. In this post we outline how to approach common problems in bridging the gap between your sales and marketing departments. Symptoms of a Lead Quality Problem: Leads are delivered to sales with little, if any, specific lead-by-lead feedback. Marketing's objective defaults to quantity and CPL because there [...]

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