How We Generate An Avalanche of B2B Leads on LinkedIn™ (6 Easy Steps)

By |2019-09-30T15:02:19-05:00April 14th, 2017|Business Development, Email Marketing, LinkedIn, Marketing Automation, Sales, Sales Lead Generation|

"LinkedIn is Dead!" -- loudly proclaim all the B2B sales professionals around the world as soon as they fail to generate B2B leads and sales on LinkedIn... The. Worlds. Largest. B2B. Network. If this is you, or you've been starting to feel like LinkedIn's turning into the "Facebook for professionals"... You know... the mudslinging battleground really more [...]

Lead Generation: Stages of Engagement

By |2017-11-02T12:58:47-05:00November 8th, 2012|Marketing, Sales|

Optimized Lead Generation Lead generation requires us to understand and follow the different stages of engagement that a business prospects progresses through. By analyzing a buyers "digital body language' you can categorize buyers as the following: Inactive Aware Engaged Interested Needs Analysis of some sort Solution Presentation Solution Proposal Commitment and Negotiation Closed Deal At [...]

Improve Lead Generation 10 Questions to Ask and 10 Actions to Take

By |2016-12-08T15:23:10-06:00October 5th, 2012|management, Marketing, Sales|

Basic questions to ask about your marketing spend regarding how to improve lead generation: How much will it really cost? Is the objective clear: Are we looking to gain awareness, interest, or response? What are the expected results? On what basis are those results expected? Best and worst cases. Would you approve the campaign if [...]

Lead Nurturing Practices

By |2017-11-02T13:19:09-05:00July 11th, 2012|Business Development, Customer Service, Marketing, Sales|

Lead nurturing is the process of building a meaningful relationship with prospects that are not ready to buy and moving them through your sales funnel by engaging, communicating, and "keeping in touch" with them regardless of time.  While nurturing leads, you always want to maintain that permission to continue to educate them until they are [...]

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